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Representative Publications (in chronological order)
Here are some representative publications.
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Autor | Año | Título | Publicación |
Sacristán AI, Rahaman J, Srinivas S and Rojano T | 2021 | Technology Integration for Mathematics Education in Developing Countries, with focus on India and Mexico | Allison Clark-Wilson, Ana Donevska-Todorova, Eleonora Faggiano, Jana Trgalová and Hans Georg Weingand (Eds.) Mathematics Education the digital Age. Learning, Practice and Theory. Routledge |
Donevska-Todorova A, Trgalová J, Schreiber C and Rojano T | 2021 | Quality of Task-Design in Technology Enhanced Resources for Teaching and Learning Mathematics | Allison Clark-Wilson, Ana Donevska-Todorova, Eleonora Faggiano, Jana Trgalová and Hans Georg Weingand (Eds.) Mathematics Education the digital Age. Learning, Practice and Theory. Routledge |
Palmas, S., Rojano, T., Sutherland, R. | 2020 | Digital technologies as a means of accessing powerful mathematical ideas. A study of adults with low schooling in Mexico. | Teaching Mathematics and its Applications. Oxford University Press.doi:10.1093/teamat/hraa004, p 1-24 |
Rojano, T., García-Campos, M. | 2016 | Teaching Mathematics with intelligent support in natural language. Tertiary education students working with parametrized modelling activities. | Teaching Mathematics and its Applications. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/teamat/hrw009. p 1-13. |
Rojano, T. | 2016 | Students’ Access to Mathematics Learning in the Middle and Junior Secondary Schools. | Lyn D. English y David Kishner (Eds.) Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education. 3rd Edition. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. ISBN: 9780415832045 (ppb) |
Rojano, T., Filloy, E., Puig, L. | 2014 | Intertextuality and sense production in the learning of algebraic methods. | Educational Studies in Mathematics 87 (3), pp 389- 407. |
Rojano, T. | 2013 | Las Tecnologías Digitales en la Enseñanza de las Matemáticas. | México D.F.: Trillas. |
Rojano, T., Abreu, J.L. | 2012 | Dialogues with Prometheus: Intelligent support for the teaching of mathematics. | C. Kynigos, J. Clayson ; N. Yiannoutsou (Eds.) Constructionism: Theory, practice and impact. Proceedings of the 2012 - Constructionism Conference. Athens, Greece: University of Athens (544 -548). |
Filloy, E., Rojano, T., Solares, A. | 2010 | Problems dealing with unknown quantities and different levels of representing the unknown. | Journal of Research in Mathematics Education (JRME) 41(1), 55-80 |
Sacristán AI, Calder N, Rojano T, Santos M, Friedlander A, Meissner T, Tabach M, Moreno L, Perrusquía E | 2010 | The Influence and Shaping of Digital Technologies on the Learning – and Learning Trajectories – of Mathematical Concepts | C. Hoyles y J.B. Lagrange (Eds.) Mathematics Education and Technology-Rethinking the Terrain.The 17th ICMI Study. Chapter 9, pp. 179-226. NY, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London: Springer |
Filloy E, Rojano T, Puig L | 2008 | Educational Algebra. A Theoretical and Empirical Approach | Berlin, Heidelberg, N.Y. : Springer. ISBN 978-0387-71253-6 |
Filloy, E., Puig, L., Rojano, T. | 2008 | El estudio teórico local del desarrollo de competencias algebraicas. | Enseñanza de las Ciencias,
4(5):327-342. |
Rojano T | 2006 | Enseñanza de la Física y las Matemáticas con Tecnología: Modelos de transformación de las prácticas y la interacción social en el aula | Co-ed. Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI) - Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP), México. ISBN 970-790-885-8 |
Rojano, T | 2004 | Local Theoretical Models in Algebra Learning: A Meeting Point in
Mathematics Education | Psychology of Mathematics Education – North American Chapter, Toronto, 1, 37-56. |
Puig L, Rojano T | 2004 | The History of Algebra in Mathematics Education | In Stacey, Chik y Kendal (Eds.) The Future of the Teaching and Learning of Algebra, pp. 189-224. Boston/Dordrecht/NY/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers |
Rojano T | 2002 | Algebraic Reasoning with Spreadsheets | Proceedings of the International Seminar Reasoning explanation and proof in school mathematics and their plaice in the intended curriculum. Qualificactions and Curriculum Authority. Cambridge, UK, pp. 3-19 |
Rojano T. | 2002 | The potential of Spreadsheets in the Learning of Algebra | The International Journal of Education Policy Research and Practice, USA.3(2), 91-106 |
Sutherland, R., Rojano, T., Bell, A, & Lins, R. | 2001 | Perspectives on School Algebra. | Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. |
Rojano T, Molyneux S, Sutherland R, Ursini S. | 1999 | Mathematical Modelling: the Interaction of Culture and Practice | Educational Studies in Mathematics. Special Issue Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Context, P. Boero, (Ed.) 39: 167-183 |
Rojano, T. | 1996 | Developing algebraic aspects of problem solving within a spreadsheet
environment. | N. Bednardz, Kieran, C; Lee, L (Eds.) Approaches to Algebra,
137-145. Dordrecht: Springer. |
Rojano, T. | 1996 | The role of problems and problem solving in the history of algebra. | N. Bednardz, Kieran, C; Lee, L (Eds.) Approaches to Algebra, 55-62. Dordrecht:
Springer. |
Sutherland R, Rojano T. | 1993 | A Spreadsheet Approach to Solving Algebra Problems | The Journal of Mathematical Behavior. (12) 351-383 |
Filloy E, Rojano T. | 1989 | Solving Equations: The transition from Arithmetic to Algebra | For the Learning of Mathematics. 9(2):19-25 |
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